Custom Fit Orthotics

An orthotic is a device that goes into your shoe to help support the foot in various ways. Orthotics can provide cushioning, even out pressure, and control abnormal motion that might be causing discomfort or pain.

They’re used to help prevent, improve or accommodate a wide variety of foot problems. Orthotic devices are also used to help bring your feet, ankles and lower body into proper alignment.

Just as prescription glasses come in different styles, shapes and corrections, so do custom fit orthotics. They are designed to fit inside the shoes to help your feet perform at their peak efficiency.

Dr. Born uses Foot Levelers custom orthotics for those with back, hip, knee and/or ankle pain. (

  • Custom fit orthotics are usually covered by insurance and patients typically can obtain new orthotics every 1-2 years, depending on the plan.  Please phone your carrier for coverage before the office visit.

These visits typically take about 30 minutes.